Explore links to other online resources
UMP Plus—UW Medicine ACN
UMP Plus
Information on UMP Plus plans, eligibility, and enrollment.
UMP Plus: Eligibility
Eligibility for UMP Plus.
UMP Plus: Medical Services and Prescription Drugs
Information on member cost share for covered services and prescription drugs.
UMP Plus: Certificate of Coverage
Certificate of coverage.
School Public Employee Benefits Board (SEBB)
SEBB Program
Resources on SEBB program and administration information.
SEBB: Premiums
Information on SEBB premiums.
Washington Health Alliance
Washington Health Alliance
Access reports on healthcare cost and quality in the state of Washington:
- Hospital Readmissions and Outpatient Care
- Right Care, Right Setting
- Different Regions, Different Health Care: Where you Live Matters
- Price Reports
- Hospital Sticker Shock: A report on hospital price variation in Washington state
- Use of Resources in High-Volume Hospitalizations
Washington Health Alliance: Choosing Wisely
Learn about commonly overprescribed treatments so you can have an informed conversation with your healthcare team about treatment options.
The Community Checkup
The Community Checkup
Your source for trustworthy information about the quality of healthcare in Washington state.
Your Voice Matters: An initiative to understand patients’ experience with their primary healthcare providers. This is the only report of its kind in the Puget Sound area. Both medical group and clinic results are available on the Alliance’s Community Checkup website.
The Community Checkup: Own Your Health
Tools and tips for empowering consumers to become active participants in their own healthcare.